Just wanted to let everyone know how we are doing and show off the boys. Malique is 2 1/2 and he is getting so big. Of course he believes that he is in charge. He has to do everything himself, no one can offer him any help. And Mekhi is 1 1/2 and he is such a sweetheart. He adores his big brother (most of the time.) If they are not playing and enjoying each other, they are usually fighting over toys. They definitley keep me on my toes. But I wouldn't want it any other way. Happy Holidays everyone, Love The Wilkinson Crew
Wow! I can't believe how big the kids are now! It seems like FOREVER since we've seen you guys!
Happy Holidays! Glad you are blogging too! :)
The kids are big now. It seems like forever since I've seen them.
3 questions though:
1. On Santa's lap; Is Malique wearing the 9.5 lows?
2. In the bottom pic, is homey in the back ground wearing the Air Max 180+ in white/Black/Red w/flame orange?
3. Are those the same Adidas pants from when I first saw you. If so, that sucks, 'cuz you can still fit in those clothes from back in the day, and I look like a fat bumblebee in that BOSS shirt.
Big up's, stay strong.
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